
he summoned his interns with a whistle
a unique call for each

you wished to see his remains
go up a chimney or off a cliff

his drinking habit had ripped the family
and split their fortune

but he continued to drill pits
and cover decay with porcelain

Written for The Sunday Whirl.  The words this week are wish, porcelain, split, cliff, whistle, rip, chimney, habits, drilled, six, fortunes, drink, pit.  There are thirteen words this week and I decided to use twelve words, in some form.  I could have used the work six  as the number of interns, but decided the poem flowed better without it.

About Sabra Bowers

Poet / Blogger / Writer
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36 Responses to Prosthodontist

  1. To cover decay with porcelain.. I love that image… So strong.


  2. humbird says:

    Sharp! Bold!Revealingly! Also like opening image.


  3. Your last couplet is strong, and makes me dread my dentist. 😉


  4. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    You have packed a powerful story into a handful of words!


  5. Sabra Bowers says:

    Thanks you! I appreciate your visit and comment.


  6. Sabra, I saw the Whirl words, tried to conjure something, and boom. Nada. You take the same list and describe the exquisite torture of the alcoholic father’s children. And on Father’s Day. That is not a knock at all – Father’s Day is not a time of celebration for me, maybe that’s why I connected so much.

    Your speaker’s fantasies of the cliff, etc., are so real. Then using the words as dental procedures (drill, pits, and porcelain), well, let’s just say you blew me away! Amy


  7. This is an interesting use of the words this week, Sabra. This sounds like a drunken father/ dentist. Yikes. I hope that wasn’t the case.


  8. Pamela says:

    That is pretty powerful writing, Sabra. Well done.

    Pamela ox


  9. 1sojournal says:

    Very well written and it flows smoothly through a highly evocative image. As a child, I hated the gruff, rough handling at the hands of our dentist. I think you describe him well.



    • Sabra Bowers says:

      Thank you Elizabeth. I think we all dread the dentist and some are gruff, as you mentioned. I add that a few are also unethical, as is true in all professions. Thanks for your thought provoking comment.


  10. oldegg says:

    I am glad Amy saw the other meaning to the piece that must mirror so many lives. What an stunningly effective metaphor you have created here.


  11. Imelda says:

    This is tragic,especially the third line; but the last image – he covers decay with porcelain is chilling. It is an exquisite ending to this piece.


  12. brian miller says:

    not sure how good a man this is….calling me with a whistle would probably not go over well…ha…and wonder what started that drinking habit…and being willing to give up on everything….at least the job gives him some sense of worth….


  13. Cathy says:

    Wonderfully done, like the dentist angle.


  14. claudia says:

    covering decay with porcelain… ha… probably can work for a while… it’s a cool image


  15. jae rose says:

    What a wonderful metaphor..and the decay and tooth imagery so finely done..dreaming of losing your teeth is fear of loss of wealth I think


  16. Lisa says:

    Wow Sabra, as always, I am blown away by the depth of your poetry, raw emotion touched and thoughts to be pondered. Thank you for your incredible perspective.


  17. Irene says:

    There really is a nice flow to this.


  18. Irene says:

    The title /angle is kinda unique.


  19. Rebecca Watson says:

    Amazing, in so few words you have written a complete character that could just spring out of the pages of a novel. Great stuff.


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