Cat’s Growl


Piper for Blog

Photo by Sabra Bowers

pack your bags
ask why
dig out the root-cause

make a plan to heal
by mending in time

you’ll miss the cat’s growl
you may sleep in rows
with bursts of shivering

but you won’t visit heaven, yet

Writing for the Sunday Whirl, again.  The words this week are root, plan, pack, heaven, growl, heal, burst, rows, shivering, mending, why, time.  Also sharing with open link night at dVerse~Poets Pub.


About Sabra Bowers

Poet / Blogger / Writer
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49 Responses to Cat’s Growl

  1. Robin says:

    This is very moving and poignant.


  2. Brian Miller says:

    i like the empowering nature of the poem
    the dig out the root-cause
    and while you may avoid heaven now,
    hopefully we get there.


  3. claudia says:

    finding the root-cause is important… and then the taking steps toward healing… love the hope there in the end


  4. Jae Rose says:

    No..there is always time and opportunity before that…and what a lovely thing to come home to! Good to see you again


  5. Laurie Kolp says:

    Sounds like a bit of recovery is ahead. Best wishes.


  6. annell4 says:

    Nice connections….cat’s growl and mending….


  7. short bursts of feeling, moving toward healing – really liked this – and missing the cats growl made me smile – K


  8. rmp says:

    time to heal is important…even if it takes you away from a growling friend. very nice write.


  9. 1sojournal says:

    Digging out the root cause can be a life-time of work, but one that is well worth the effort, especially if you have a warm friend waiting for you,



  10. hypercryptical says:

    So wise.
    Sometimes we do need to pack our bags of yesterday…
    Anna :o]


  11. Sabra Bowers says:

    Thank you, Anna. Bags of yesterday…I love this phrase of yours…so wise.


  12. Sumana Roy says:

    like the different shades playing here….missing the cats growl is sweet-bitter…lets hope for the best…


  13. Gabriella says:

    I like the encouraging tone in your poem, Sabra, the necessity to take the time to heal. So very true!


  14. a root-cause so important to find.. and we cannot give up—just yet.. this is wonderful


  15. I have images from this of leaving a hard or abusive relationship for a shelter.The subtleties of your lines and wording almost disguise what is really being said here. Too many lie to themselves, holding onto false promises until too late. Leaving is brave, courageous, and always the better choice.


  16. Imelda says:

    This poem is layered, Sabra, and sad. Nice to see your work again.


  17. This is a great piece and so true.


  18. humbird says:

    something we have to leave in order to investigate what life has prepared next for us…


  19. oldegg says:

    My first thoughts were “That’s telling him!” It was a beautifully concise picture.


  20. I really like “make a plan to heal by mending time.”


  21. nan says:

    I like the ending here… no, the narrator won’t die (though when she does, she’ll head to heaven)…


  22. Pamela says:

    Poignant write, Sabra. Sorry for the late visit. I leave the house on Sundays now. I cannot bear being here on that particular day alone. Thanks for your supportive comment. I am hanging in there, today was a busy day, which is good for me.



    • Sabra Bowers says:

      You aren’t late, you are right on time. Love to get comments once the flurry dies down. There is something about Sundays that brings out our longings. After my husband died, Sunday was the day I felt my loss the most. I stayed too busy for years. Just this past year I began to settle into really liking being alone. Glad today was better for you. Stay busy and do what you need to do to take care of yourself. You have my positive thoughts and well wishes, always.


      • Pamela says:

        Yes, Sundays are easier to handle out of the house. I go with a couple of friends, we sit and eat and talk, while their husbands play soccer. It works for me.

        I had no idea, you were a widowed as well. Such a strange word “widow”. I am not accustomed to being alone, so that is going to be the most difficult journey for me. Thanks for your positive thoughts.


  23. Sabra Bowers says:

    Pam, yes, 7 years this past January. Widow is a strange word. It doesn’t fit, somehow. Please reach out to me, if you want. I have been were you are. I understand.


  24. Pamela says:

    I am so sorry for your loss, Sabra. And thank you for the offer. You may be hearing from me soon. At times it is almost unbearable.


  25. DELL CLOVER says:

    Agree with much previously said–healing does seem to take a life-time. And I feel a new poem coming–about packing bags of yesterday…. I’m sorry for the loss of your husband, and that widow is a difficult word; I can assure you that being a divorcee has less honor, regardless of the circumstances.


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